Guided Exploration of two FPGA-based CPU Designs
Files information - (102KB) hierarchical collection of all the files below cpuclass/ = root babyrisc/ = qs5-specific directory tree forth/ = forth source (your Forth's 'current directory') makeqasm.f - 'include-file' that builds the assembler usage: INCLUDE MAKEQASM.F / leaves assembler in memory maketest.f - 'include-file' that builds the test image usage: INCLUDE MAKETEST.F / writes '..\test\test.mem' file qasm.f - assembler/disassembler source code test.f - qs5 test source code test/ = test directory (the simulator's 'current directory') qs5_gold.out - 'golden' simulator output file to test yours against qs5_hdl.spj - SilosIII script file for behavioral simulation (it has the net names for the waveform viewer) qs5_hdl.v - SilosIII include file for behavioral simulation qs5_net.spj - SilosIII script file for functional simulation qs5_net.v - SilosIII include file for functional simulation qs5_par.spj - SilosIII script file for timing simulation qs5_par.v - SilosIII include file for timing simulation test.chr - Verilog 'readmemh' file with simulated keyboard entries (built by hand) test.mem - Verilog 'readmemb' file with binary memory image of the test program (built by maketest.f) verilog/ = verilog source files qs5_mix.v - behavioral/rtl source code for the qs5 - test-fixture source for my 8-bit QuickLogic board docs/ = various helpful documents qs5paths.pdf - (85KB) The datapath block diagram showing the active busses during each clock cycle forth/ = non-specific forth source meta.f - source code for my target compiler tools.f - source code for some target-image tools (some chip-specific) twostack/ = 'two-stack'specific directory tree forth/ = forth source (your Forth's 'current directory') test/ = test directory (the simulator's 'current directory') verilog/ = verilog source files
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John Rible email:
Updated 6/15/99 ()